I am getting into baking chiffon cake from yesterday.
Last night I baked cocoa chiffon, and today is pumpkin and matcha.
There are various recipes of chiffon cake, it is hard to decide specific one because I have lots of favorite flavor. I picked up pumpkin and matcha today, but last year my favorite was earl gray with soy milk.
Amount of egg whites could change if you add flavor in chiffon dough.
Pumpkin paste is heavy for chiffon dough, so I used 4 egg whites. Basically I use 3 egg yolks and 3 egg whites for 17 cm(6.7 inch) chiffon cake mold as you bake chiffon cake with cocoa or matcha powder.
I love to eat chiffon cake with heavy cream, my son does without it. It depends.
Pumpkin cream I made yesterday was awsome decoration for chiffon cake.

** Pumpkin chiffon cake recipe**
18cm(7 inch) chiffon mold
3 egg yolks
60g granulated sugar
15mL oil
50mL milk
4 egg white
60g pumpkin paste(peal, steam and mash pumpkin)
65g pastry flour
2g baking powder
10g cinnamon powder
<Bake chiffon cake>
1. Combine egg yolks and 10g granulated sugar in a bowl with whisk.
2. Add oil little by little into the bowl and blend them.
3. Add milk little by little into the bowl and pumpkin paste. Blend them well.
4. Shift pastry flour, cinnamon powder and baking powder twice, and add them into the bowl. Blend them quietly.
5. Put egg white in another bowl and start to make meringue.
6. Add 50g granulated sugar into a bowl little by little and whisk them until firm meringue.
7. Combine 1/3 meringue and 4. mixture and then add 2/3 meringue into the bowl. Mix them quietly.
8. Pour the mixture into a chiffon mold.
9. Bake it in the preheated oven at 170°C for 30-35 minutes.
10. Cool down with upside-down.
<Decoration chiffon cake>
Whipped cream with sugar, pumpkin seeds, possible to use powder sugar for sprinkling.
** Matcha chiffon cake recipe**
17cm(6.7 inch) chiffon mold
3 egg yolks
60g granulated sugar
30mL oil
60mL milk
3 egg white
60g pastry flour
3g baking powder
6g matcha powder
<Bake chiffon cake>
1. Combine egg yolks and 10g granulated sugar in a bowl with whisk.
2. Add oil little by little into the bowl and blend them.
3. Add milk little by little into the bowl and blend them well.
4. Shift pastry flour, matcha powder and baking powder twice, and add them into the bowl. Blend them quietly.
5. Put egg white in another bowl and start to make meringue.
6. Add 50g granulated sugar into a bowl little by little and whisk them until firm meringue.
7. Combine 1/3 meringue and 4. mixture and then add 2/3 meringue into the bowl. Mix them quietly.
8. Pour the mixture into a chiffon mold.
9. Bake it in the preheated oven at 170°C for 30-35 minutes.
10. Cool down with upside-down.
<Decoration chiffon cake>
Whipped cream with sugar, matcha powder, sweet black beans, possible to use powder sugar for sprinkling.
If you like pumpkin cream,
<Pumpkin cream>
150g pumpkin
20g cane sugar
20g soy cream
1. Steam pumpkin until soften. Remove skin and small amount of pumpkin, and keep them for decoration later.
2. Make pumpkin puree in blender, make sure it is smooth. If it is not, pumpkin stuck in piping bag when you decorate.
3. Add cane sugar, soy cream and rum in the blender and combine with pumpkin puree.

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