I love baking when I was young. It is because of my mother.
I learned a lot from her and watching cooking TV show or enjoy cooking together sometimes. We used to get lots of recipes from TV, papers or cooking books, and currently I search online or TV.
The most attracting chef for me was Giada De Laurentiis.
One day I watched her TV show "Giada at Home", I was crazy about watching it . I watched Giada at Home every day before going to work, bought her books and DVDs, searched her recipes online and I tried her recipes.
Recently I like Laura vitale. Sometimes I can find a couple of chefs online who are so amazing. Giada and Laura are so active about entertain people while they are cooking.
I love that. They tell us recipes and more witness of how to live more comfortable when we are in the kitchen.
My mother also loved one Japanese chef. I took over her cooking books or recipes notebooks. The chef was Kuniko Mukoda, who already passed away because of air crash. She was truly not a chef. She was a writer. My mom loved her, so read her books a lot including cooking books.

Kuniko Mukoda's cooking is very homey. Now I read her cooking books, I found dishes which my mom used to cook for my family dinner. I remember that was so good. I now understand how much my mom loved Kuniko's recipes. Their taste was not same but have some similar heartwarming.

I challenge all the time for my family to love, miss and want to take over my taste.
However, it is hard for my boys. Now it seems important for them to have more quantity than taste of food.

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